Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

The world's greatest girlfriend

And the winner for the world's greatest girlfriend is.... me!
Haha, I was doing income statement closing in my monthsversarry, then he came with a trophy
I took this picture from my Mac, so it's mirror style
Well, since I am his only girlfriend, of course I am the winner, hehe
My message for everyone, do your love wholeheartedly, then you will get the best partner in life for you

However, I win! :p

wish list

I hope I can get my camera to be more active in blogging
To share to you my point of view in everything :)


cervix shot

Today I have my flu and cervix shot!
First I was soooo scarrredd, because I have phobia to be shot :(
Well then I thought that I should not be selfish to my future family ♥, then I take it! With teary eyes :p

Flu and cervix shot in my company is free because there was a campaign of cervix cancer prevent,
thank God my company is very loyal to their employee, hihi
Cervix shot must be done 3 times in a year, and this is my first time, so I can get the other ones in clinic (for free also :p)
The situation in shot-place is quite crowded and scared, well maybe it's only my feeling, haha
but I successfully be shot! and the result is my hand has been freezing until now

However, if you get the chance to do it, you should do it dear, it's important for your life, not now, but in the future :)
Go gals!

Jilbab perfects you

Using Hijab is a choice, but you have to believe that it's a choice to be near to God ♥
At the first time we can get doubt of that, but then, you can just look to the sky and see the sky is sooo bright
Just look the sky, and see how beautiful God's creation is

It's just like you fulfill your life with God's love, by obeying God's request to every woman to wear hijab
Be confident, keep smiling, and be you

you are beautiful ♥

work life

I've been working for 9 months in one of multinational company
In Indonesia, it's the biggest one in consumer goods company

It's sooooo happy to work here, so many great friends, great bosses and great chance to develop myself
Though my job is verrrryyyyyyy busy, till sometimes marco gets jealous :p,
I really love the circumstances♥

Well, sometimes is quite hard to survive in a super-duper-busy condition,
but I believe what I do here is really important for me to learn about many things that you can't get in other company :)

Just like I've said, I have a very super-crazy friends, both my floor-mate and my hang-out-mate :p

always happy with you guys :)

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

happy 17th monthsversarry

Today's my 17th monthsversarry with marco:)
So sad that I have to stay in the office till night,
but after I finish all of these, I will catch up to meet him

My plan issss..... nothing!
Just trying to see each other, and give him a bunch of present
also with this picture

Happy 17th monthsversarry dear Marco
Hope our love will last forever

personal blog

I also have my personal blog
Just check out here

rainbow mug: new family member

This is my new mug!
Rainbow Mug!

Haha, actually not like the picture above, but I really love it!
I will drink a lot everyday ♥


My english is very bad, especially in listening
I really want to increase my TOEFL score, but it's quite hard
This evening, my friend said that IELTS is easier than TOEFL
But still, I have to study and study

Go abroad!

Yes I can!

my sweet casual

Casual choice is not ordinary
By wearing vest, and cute bag, it completely perfects your style and mood
It's a good choice if you want to wear casual outfit, but still stylish :)

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

your beautiful hands with henna

Henna is very popular in Indian woman
Painting your hands, make it beautiful with only one look
Great choice for different outlook :)


you are beautiful ♥


Grey, black, white, soft brown, all colors simply mixed together ♥

party dress

This is the dress that I wore in my friend's wedding
Simple but still glamour because of the accessories in veil
Lovely choice for party ♥


Eighties means big size, big hair volume, socks, and colorful
Eighties are soo cool to be fashion lead, and be unique in costume party
Pink is a great choice ♥


First touch of mine in this blog :D
Sometimes it's hard to find fashionable mix and match combined with Jilbab,
This blog created as a media for ilovemyveil to share about our choice in jilbab fashion
So, stay keep looking, keep istiqomah, stay beautiful and stay loving yourself

Kiss and hugs ♥
