Rabu, 26 September 2012

Ace of Spade vs Ace of Heart

Today I feel passionate but a little bit calm... complex isn't it? :D
Me and my husband decided to go to cinema and grab some vanilla frappucino in Sbux, hmmmm... it sounds good!
So, I decided to wear a long top grey color with black hijab plus.... red lipstick!
Yes it always successful to make a mysterious aura *hehe
Let's see the result of combination of Ace of Spade vs Ace of Heart :) 

Top: Zara, Long Black Scarf: bought in a store in PIM, Shoes: Lower East Side
Bag: Estee Lauder

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Hijab Tutorial & Make up | Jilbab Square /Segi Empat

Hi, it's been a while not blogging, and I miss it soooo muchhh
I have been in Jeju & Seoul for 10 nights for honeymoon, so I can't touch the blogging at all
Love to come back and share to you via blog post :D :D

So firstly, I would like to share the hijab tutorial and some make up basic tutorial in the beginning
For this tutorial, I now use the square hijab (jilbab segi empat), since I have a looooottt of it in my home
I mostly use square hijab for my daily outfit actually, and I love it!
It can be super stylish if you do some tricks on that

Check it out :D

xoxo, Asta

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Oki Setiana Dewi: Jangan Takut Miskin Karena Berjilbab

PEREMPUAN yang mengenakan jilbab tak bisa berprestasi? Menurut aktris Oki Setiana Dewi, dengan berjilbab, prestasi dan keberkahan yang amat besar justru banyak datang menghampiri hidupnya.

"Enggak perlu takut enggak dapat kerja karena jilbab. Rezeki enggak pernah tertutup asal ada usaha," ujar Oki pada Bintang Online, belum lama ini.

Bukan sekedar bicara, Oki memang sudah membuktikan sendiri hal itu. Jilbab yang dia kenakan 2005 lalu justru membuka pintu rezeki baginya. Salah satunya tentu terpilihnya dia sebagai pemeran Anna Althafunisa dalam film fenomenal Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB).

Selain rupiah, aktingnya di film tersebut juga diganjar dua penghargaan sekaligus, Pendatang Baru Wanita Terfavorit dan Pendatang Baru Terbaik di Indonesia Movie Award (IMA) 2010.

"Dengan begitu aku bisa bilang ke semua orang, aku pakai jilbab juga bisa berprestasi. Di kuliah aku juga dapat nilai cumlaude. Yang terpenting berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh," tukasnya.

Jilbab Oki Setiana Dewi

Artis Cantik Indonesia memang banyak tetapi artis cantik dengan berjilbab saya rasa sedikit dan Oki Setiana Dewi mungkin salah satunya, kalau boleh jujur memang manis kok wajahnya, gak kalah cantik deh dari artis yg lain. Iner Beauty ny itu lho, Subhanallah !!

Nama Oki Setiana Dewi langsung melambung, Setelah mendapatkan peran sebagai Anna Althafunnisa dalam film Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB).Bagi Gadis kelahiran 13 Januari 1989 ini dunia peran bukanlah hal baru karena sebelumnya ia pernah bermain di FTV.
Selain itu ia juga punya segudang prestasi seperti :
  • Aktris Terbaik Festival Teater “Petang Kreatif” FIB UI 2008
  • Mahasiswa Baru Terbaik “Orientasi Kehidupan Kampus” UI [2007];
  • Juara II Speech Contest tk. SLTA se-Jabodetabek PPPG Bahasa, 2nd Winner Debating
  • Constest tingkat Provinsi Jawa Barat [2005];
  • Juara I Busana Muslim “Anak Negeri Lancang Kuning” se-Kepulauan Riau;
  • Princess Fotogenic Hotel Mulia Panorama Batam [2004];
  • Unggulan Covergirl Aneka Yess [2003];
  • Putri Bunga Argadia Tingkat Nasional di Jakarta.

Keterlibatan dirinya di film Ketika Cinta Bertasbih karena dukungan dari teman-temannya. “Tadinya aku nggak mau ikutan audisi karena yang aku tahu kalau dunia entertain itu glamour dan gemerlap, makanya aku lebih memilih kuliah dan berorganisasi saja, tapi temen-temenku tetap meyakinkan aku dengan alasan kalau penggagas di film ini orang-orang baik dan mempunyai kredibilitas dengan karya-karyanya yang mengajak ke arah positif,” papar gadis yang sudah mengenakan jilbab selama 4 tahun ini.

Ia juga ingin membuktikan bahwa gadis berjilbab pun bisa main film dan berprestasi tidak kalah dengan yang lainnya. “Hal ini juga sesuatu yang baik, kenapa nggak aku coba, masyrakat kita kan selalu meniru apa yang ditonton, aku berharap dengan peranku bisa membawa ke arah yang positif,” jelas cewek yang hobi menulis dan membaca ini.

Bagi mahasisiwi Sastra Belanda Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesia ini, ia akan tetap dijalur akting jika bisa memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat. Namun jika sebaliknya ia akan kembali ke bangku kuliah dan insya allah akan menjadi ibu rumah tangga yang baik. Sekarang selain dirinya sudah mulai lebih dikenal, ia juga mengakui dengan terjun di dunia hiburan ia lebih banyak mendapat ilmu, wawasan dan pengalaman yang tidak mungkin ia peroleh jika hanya berada di kampus.

Profil Biodata Oki Setiana Dewi

Nama Lengkap : Oki Setiana Dewi
Nama Panggilan : Oki
Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Batam, 13 Januari 1989
Nama Ayah : Sulyanto
Nama Ibu : Yunifah Lismawati
Film Favorit : Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
Musisi Favorit : Opick
Hobby : Membaca, Menulis

Minggu, 09 September 2012

The Marriage

Yesterday was my wedding and I am so thankful that it went smooth
The traditional ceremony, the ijab qabul, the reception both in home and Balai Sudirman, I enjoyed it the most, and I feel so happy that now.. I am a wife :D
Being a wife is a big task, a super one
Heaven is for all wife who can give husband the best, who can guide husband always on track with God's way
And a wife, a new wife is a mom to be
It is a wonderful thing to be a mom, but a great responsibility how to make children become successful, sholeh and sholehah, and the most basic thing is how to feed them, how to give education

One inspiring note from my friend when I was working in Unilever in the first year:
"Growing children is easy, you can just feed them, wait them grow older. The difficult thing is how to nurture them"
It touched me, until now, and I want to be a mom who can nurture my future children, with my best

Once again, wish me luck in this marriage wagon :D

Ah, and I will update you my wedding videos and photos
Please wait ya :D

xoxo, Asta

Selasa, 04 September 2012

Day Minus 5

H minus 5, the clock is ticking!

Well today was smoother than yesterday though the activity started earlier :D
This morning, I had schedule at 8.30 AM to attend Marriage Counseling Meeting in KUA -it is the legal institute which manages marriage for community

Okay, Marco picked me up at 8.10 and we arrived safely in the meeting place
We met a lady who asked us to fill the attendance list
Right after we finished, she asked: "Have u done the paper?"
Me: "What paper?"
Lady: "It should be the file that we gave to you earlier?"
Me: "Ah, I bring it, here, here"
"Oops, I haven't finished the data yet... sorryyyy"
The lady face was like saying "Gosh, please..."
Not long after that face, she said that we can fill it after the meeting done
Saved! *fyuh

So we ran to the meeting room which is... FULL!
I was thinking: "So many people will get married this week yaa"
No wonder, the date was unique, it is 9-9-2012
9 is the highest number... which means good luck *I guess
I picked this date because it is unique, easy to remember, no any other reason :D

Then we listened to the guest speakers.. 4 guest speakers!
Every guest speakers explained different things, but basically it is about sharing the knowledge for couples about marriage, about contraception, about the religion point of view about marriage, raise children, even the task and responsibility of husband and wife 
It was good!
More interesting, in the end of the meeting, we got certificate of this meeting :D
We certified!

and Marco also got the same :D
Simple thing but it was so nice, hihi, simple happiness

Then we went to Pronto Printing to print the prewedding pics
The price is very nice, far cheaper than ad*rama which I have surveyed yesterday in Plaza Indonesia, and the printing will be finished tomorrow, while ad*rama said that the working will be 5 days... RRR
After that we went to Mayestik and bought some garments for mommies's hijab for akad nikah
The traffic was badddd, but we successfully made it pass the 3 in 1

Eat eat eat, chat chat chat

Hopefully tomorrow will be wonderful as well :D

Cheers, Asta

Senin, 03 September 2012

Asta & Marco | The Prewedding

Day Minus 6

Day minus 6 to the big big day
Uwaaaaaaa, I felt like so many things are not finished yet
Maybe because of the bridezilla syndrome (which previously I didn't believe that I will face this!), but I feel paranoid these days.. this that wrong!
I blame myself who is very love working under pressure, that's why I tend to pending all the stuff, and now... H-6 I have to RUN! catch up everything, make sure that the big day will be big and successful (AMIN)

Like today, I should give salute and tons-millions-bunches of thanks to marco!
8.00 transferred the pending payment
9.00 packed my bags for honeymoon to Seoul
11.00 Marco came to my house
11.10 Printed the pending wedding invitation for Mom & Me and Marco's Closest Friends
12.00 Departed from house
12.10 Posted the wedding invitation through post
13.00 Gave Laundries (1 set of bed cover, towel, and kimono towel)
13.30 Sent the package of wedding invitation to SBM ITB
13.45 Arrived at Sanggar Liza to get Epek Boro (Traditional Javanese Belt) for Marco's akad costume
14.30 Landed in Pasar Tebet to buy cups for "Siraman"
15.00 Went to Benhil to give wedding invitation to Marco's business friends
15.30 Off to Plaza Indonesia
16.00 Enjoyed Zenbu! Chicken Mozaru extra cheseeeee :9
17.05 Watched "The Cabin of the Wood" 
18.45 Off to Browhouse to fix my eye brow for wedding
19.30 Off to home
20.30 Arrived at home, working on the wedding invitation for mom and dad
21.30 Finished
22.00 Started browsing and blogging


You need aspirin after reading those lines? :p
Indeed, It was a busy day, but thanks to Marco who accompanied me through this day
Love u :>

I hope tomorrow will be smooth, Amin! Amin!
Good night for all of you *kisses

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Fiminin Photoshoot

3 weeks ago I got a surprising facebook message from Ashfi
I know her from college from my friend, and I am her most fans of Fiminin blog, the Muslim Fashion blog she created with Anin and Yasmin
She left the message in twitter

Andddd I contacted Ashfi for the detail of photoshoot
The photoshoot place was a studio with the white background, and there were 9 beautiful girls waiting to do photoshoot
After had make up, Fiminin team explained to us that they are going to publish a book about how to wer hijab and head to to fashion looks
The book will be published in September by Bukune
There will be 30 looks plus the how to do hijab style
So exciting!

The photoshoot started from morning (8PM) to night (6PM), so we have breakfasting there also
Each models had two looks, two how to wear hijab, and interview for video introductory
SInce the theme was college, we had college setting for photoshoot like books, bags, notebook, even maket! :D
And I had two styles: casual and final presentation 
I have shoot taken as teaser

Thank you Fiminin!

Can't wait to get the book :)

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Q&A Time!

I got some messages from you via social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and some others which asking about myself, my interest, and such. Here I wrap your questions in this blog post :) Thank you so much for your messages, especially in youtube, sorry I can't reply at all since I have 2 different account, one is astarina123 (my direct account) and another is kecantikankutv (my friend's), which I can't track both with fast reply. I hope I can summary all your message in this blog post

Soo, here you go!

Q: Can you tell me about yourself? Name, hobbies, everything! 
A: Hi, my name is Asta, I am now 23 years old
I am the second daughter among three, yes we are three musketeers! :)
I have a very complex brain, I love fashion, finance, and gadget!
I love sketching, I love colors, I love drawings, I love mix and match, I love taking pictures, I love garments, ah I love fashion a lot
I do love stock trading, financial planning, investment management, and love reading financial articles
I love gadgets, from mac, ipad, iphone, DSLR, and softwares, I have huge interest in those

Q: What do you do?
A: Previously I worked at Unilever Indonesia for 2 and a half years (and half a year in Unilever Asia based in Singapore, total 3 years!) as Assistant Finance Director, but then I resigned to focus on my passion in fashion and business
So now, I manage my time with my blogs, reading a lot, and running my business with my husband to be :) (my wedding is 1 week from now *woaaaaaaa -sudden panic*)

Q: What is your college background?
A: I studied Finance and Marketing in School of Business and Management ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) class of 2006, that's why I love business so much :D

Q: Reading your twitter timeline, you are going to Milan? How about your husband-to-be?
A: Yes I plan to move to Milan next January 2013 to take fashion design class in Istituto Marangoni so I can gain the basic knowledge of how to make my sketches happen! hehe
About my fiancee, his name is Marco, but he is not an Italian by the way :D
He is the one who proposed me to take study abroad to get knowledge and network in fashion. Since we have business in Indonesia, we may not leave together, so he will stay in Indonesia to run the business. 
I am really appreciate that *love

Q: When did you start wearing hijab? How do you feel?
A: I started wearing hijab when I was in the first year of my senior high school (class 10), and it was the first day of Ramadhan month. I guess I have the "call" from God to cover myself with hijab, I want to stay closer to Allah, to be loved always :)

Q: Can you tell me tips and trick of how to wear hijab fashionably?
A: Keep researching, do the mix and match of what you have now, different elements can make different resuls. You also can adopt fashion bloggers style like Dian Pelangi, Indah Nada Puspita, and Hana Tajima (both three are my favs :)

Q: If we want to get in touch with you, where should we contact you?
A: Please post me through email: astarina.maulida@gmail.com or you can visit my social media as the icons are available in the right side of this blog :D

I guess that's it from me, hope this can wrap up your questions :)
Have a great day for you all!

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Kosmetik Halal Penyempurna Kecantikanku

Ingatanku kembali kepada aku dimasa kecil yang sedang melenggok dengan sepatu hak tinggi kebesaran punya Mama, lengkap dengan muka bercoreng lipstik merah dan tas selempang cokelat kulit buaya
Mama kemudian mendatangi aku sambil bertanya
"Nduk, kamu belum cukup umur untuk pakai beginian, ga pantes"
Akupun memasang muka kecut
"Mamaa, aku kan juga ingin cantik dan putih bersih kaya mbak-mbak yang di tv"
Mama tersenyum
"Yang namanya cantik itu dimulai dari hati Nduk, nanti kalau hati kamu cantik, aura kamu jadi bagus. Nah dari luar kamu juga harus ngerawat, jangan dibiarin aja"

Sepenggal kisah kecil namun membawa rindu dan membuatku mengerti arti cantik yang sesungguhnya
Ayu nian hatipun senang melihatnya
Aku adalah perempuan dengan latar belakang tradisi yang kental, Jogjakarta
Papaku keturunan Kraton Jogja, bahkan sertifikat silsilahnya terpajang apik di ruang keluarga
Sudah menjadi tradisi bahwa perempuan harus menjaga diri, baik jiwa dan raga
Islampun yang kupegang teguh sebagai tiang hidupku mengajarkan pentingnya kesehatan dan nikmatnya keindahan
Gusti Allah mencintai keindahan

Kupercaya resep Islami nenek moyangku
Makanan yang sehat dan halal baik untuk tubuhku
Bacaan yang bermanfaat baik untuk makanan otakku
Senandung sebar agama baik untuk telingaku
Blogging baik untuk kreatifitasku ;)
Kosmetik yang halalpun baik untuk kulitku

Dulu aku sempat tidak yakin ada kosmetik yang halal sampai aku menemukan Wardah

Wardah, kosmetik yang bersertifikat halal satu-satunya di Indonesia dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia
Bahkan Wardah telah memperoleh penghargaan Internasional dari World Halal Council
Kualitas Wardah telah terbukti tak kalah dengan produk kosmetik lainnya, dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau
Bahkan kulitku menjadi lebih lembut dan berseri


Aku yakin, yang halal memang baik
Cantik dari luar dan dalam lengkap sudah dengan Wardah, kosmetik halalku
Akhirnya Raden Roro inipun lega karena dapat menemukan kosmetik yang dapat memenuhi tradisi dan syariah

Bagaimana dengan kamu? :)

Happy Lebaran! New Everything!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Hi, how are you doing after Eid al Fithr?
Must be very exciting!

To celebrate it, I have changed this blog with new look
You may notice the difference, especially the blog address
Yeaah, from now on I have changed ilovemyveil.blogspot.com to astarinamaulida.blogspot.com
It sounds easier to remember and professionale :D
Also the blog title became: Harmony di Colori which means the harmony of colors

As we started new chapter in life after one month fasting, I guess it will be fun to create changes for this blog
I am enjoying the new look of this blog, and I hope you too

XOXO, Asta

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Istituto Marangoni confirmed!

Just got the confirmation from Istituto Marangoni, Milano for Feb 2013 class!
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah I can make my dreams come true
Great gift from God as a bless for my marriage :)

Fashion designer, here I become :)

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012


Deciding mahar for my wedding is kinda nice but confusingQuoted from one forum about Mahar:

The lower the mahar the more barakah blessing in the marriage

Yes indeed, because the marriage itself means not to make it difficult for man for marrying the womanOr you can say... tolerance!
Hmmm... In the same forum also I found interesting statement:

If you give high mahar, you think high of the woman

Again... yes indeed
It feels so nice if I get valuable maharThe same like I get a box of chocolate :)
Well I guess I will choose the value which can increase every year -you know whatThe one which is approved by my man :)
Andddd, the one which is memorable

Win, win!

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Miss Combro

Suddenly I want to eat this food.... COMBRO! orrr COMRO
Well, some people say combro, and others comro
It's basically fried grated cassava with flavored soybean
You also can see there's a chili inside, yeah, a bomb!
It makes combro tasty :>

Aaah, how I love this food
Can't wait to buy this for breakfasting

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012


What I realized now is that I am super happy!
Well this year is a very tough year of mine, I decided to go out of my comfort zone
I resigned, from my very very first and last company
A brave step that I made, a risky one but the greatest jumping

Working for me is studying yet giving value to company
I love creating, I love innovating, I love challenge
I love the people, I love chatting with friends in the lunch hour, I love sharing
I love the laughs, I love smiles, I love the warmth

But then it comes to what it called "passion"
Is this my passion?
And I realized that I miss the time for doing what I love the most
Drawing, blogging, dancing, reading, writing and so on and so on :>
How I love fashion, how I love doing business, how I love to lead and to give direct changes

This is the bravest step that I did, but I know..
Life is only once, and I want to play it greatly
Life is about being yourself, giving the value to you and others
Life is too short to be wasted
I want to embrace it to the fullest
And I know that working for a company is not me, not my passion
I believe if I do what I love, I'll create something good
I will be what I believe I will be

Ganbatte ne! xxxx :>

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Lombok Snapshot

While waiting for my friend's camera pics, I'll share the snapshots of Lombok vacation!
What I love about Lombok is the romantic atmosphere
Can you imagine the blue and clear beach, high sky, shells, and candles at night?
Yeah we can say it PERFECT!
God creates this place perfectly, greatly and amazingly!

Sure I am enjoyed this vacation, wanna go back there someday
I hope the beauty remains beauty, even more

Day 1 at Gili Trawangan

Day 2 at Gili Meno and Gili Air

 Day 3 at Tanjung Aan, Lombok
My dream accomplished, I was flying in clouds kingdom! :>

H&M Outer, Cotton On Glasses


Just got the response that I've been waiting for from Marangoni last Wednesday
They said that they are evaluating the application
OMG, super finger crossed!!

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012


Lombok was GREATT!!
Yeah, I have just arrived in Jakarta yesterday from my holiday with friends in Lombok
I spent like 4 days and 3 nights, 2 nights in Gili Trawangan and 1 night in Senggigi

I will update you my choice of clothes for this vacation
Super love the place, hope the photos will be great :)
Wait for it! 

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Waiting is so not me

It's been 3 weeks after my application delivered in Milan, and now I am extremely nervous!
Ooooh, in website it stated that the campus will reply within 2 weeks
Annnnddd, I tried to find out the email directly to admission team, and thank God they replied
Well it's not very happy progress anyway because a woman who replied said that she needed to check with the person who received my documents :|
Also, she only send email at 5PM (because it's 12 PM in Milan), and we I replied back she doesn't answer in the same day, but the day after T______________T

Finger crossed! Finger crossed!

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

New Hijab Tutorial

New hijab tutorial with my fav song as the soundtrack
If you ever watched Gantz anime, it is the soundtrack for the ending :D
Last Kiss by Bonnie Pink

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Wedding Preparation

My progress to my wedding on September as below:

Akad dan Resepsi
- Venue: Panti Prajurit, Balai Sudirman
- Catering: Alfabet
- Make-up & hair-do: Sanggar Liza
- The bride's kebaya : Sanggar Liza (resepsi), Heri Butique (akad)
- Decoration: K Jogja
- Pre-wedding photography: Luminaire
- Photography & videography: Maheza by George Bharata
- MC: provided by Sanggar Liza
- Traditional ceremony: Sanggar Liza
- Wedding singer/band: Revis Band
- Wedding organizer: *still searching
- Invitation card & stationary: *still searching
- Honeymoon: Seoul, Korea

Siraman, Pengajian, dan Malam Seserahan
- Venue: Rumah Asta
- Catering: Mom's best friend
- Make-up & hair-do: Sanggar Liza
- Kebaya: Heri Butique
- Dekorasi: K Jogja
- MC & traditional ceremony: Sanggar Liza
- Buku pengajian: *still searching
- Souvenir siraman dan pengajian: from Jogjakarta